Justagame Fieldhouse

Adult Men's Basketball League
Basketball Other
Pay $495.00
Justagame Fieldhouse (Reedsburg)- Adult Basketball
- 12 regular season games
- One game per night
- Every team makes playoffs with a single elimination tournament to end the season
PRICE: $495 per team with sponsorships allowed
DATES (Sunday’s):
November: 10, 17, 24
December: 1, 8, 15
January: 5, 12, 19, 26
February: 2, 9, 16, 23
1. All players must be registered before playing! The team captain must fill out a roster form and
submit it to Justagame Reedsburg Fieldhouse.
  1. No team may have more than 15 players or less than 5 players on its roster. 
  2. ALL PLAYERS must have completed the official team roster form and the team fee must be paid before the first game.
  3. A player may not change teams during the season.
  4. A player shall be eligible to play on only one competitive league team and one rec league team.
  5. High school students cannot participate in adult basketball leagues. (Must be at least 18 years of age/graduate of High school). 
  6. Penalty/Use of Illegal Players(s): A team discovered utilizing a player or players not meeting eligibility requirements, will forfeit all games ruled by said player(s). NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE.
  7. Each team is required to wear shirts/jerseys that are of the same color and have numbers on the back. Failure to wear a required shirt/jersey will result in a team technical foul for each individual not wearing proper apparel. NO DUPLICATE NUMBERS! (If shirts/jerseys are needed, they can be ordered through Justagame Impressions for a discounted price, 608-254-4919)
  8. The season will consist of 12 games played on Wednesday nights plus playoff games. One game a night per team. No team will play more than one game a night.
  9. Players must play at least 4 games to be eligible for play-offs.
  10. All teams must provide 1 scorekeeper for the game. 1 team will be in charge of the scoreboard, while the other will have the book.
  1. Teams must furnish their game balls.
  2. A team must have four (4) legal players to start an official game.
  3. Teams late for a game will start with a 1st half score of 9-0 against them (9 min). Teams more than 10 minutes late will forfeit the game, but they may scrimmage during the time allotted for their particular game. (Officials need not work the forfeit mentioned above).
  4. No games are to be postponed. Games are to be played or forfeited.
  5. Any team forfeiting three (3) regular season games, will be dropped from the league. All games played, or to be played, by the “dropped” team will be recorded as “wins” in the league standings for the opponents (other teams involved). No refunds of team/player fees.
  1. “Dunking” the basketball is allowed; however, hanging on the rim isn’t allowed at any time while inside the facility (before, during, or after a game).
  2. The player/team will be responsible for paying for any damages incurred to the basketball facility (rim/backboard) through excessive hanging on the rim.
  1. Any player may be suspended from the game by the referee or the site supervisor for any unsportsmanlike conduct. When this player is asked to leave the gym, he/she must do so at once. Failure to do so will automatically forfeit the game to the other team. Responsibility for carrying this order rests with the manager. Players and managers will conduct themselves decently at all times. NO ABUSIVE LANGUAGE DIRECTED OR NON-DIRECTED TOWARD SOMEONE (official’s judgment). Any unsportsmanlike conduct occurring after the game may result in a one-game suspension.
  2. Unsportsmanlike conduct by a player includes 
  3. Use of disconcerting acts or words when an opponent is about to play the ball 
  4. Derogatory remarks to officials or opponents 
  5. Uestioning or trying to influence officials' decisions 
  6. Showing disgust with officials' decisions 
  7. Using insulting language or gestures or baiting/taunting an opponent 
  8. Uaking any contact with an opponent that is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness 
  9. Using any part of a teammate's body or any object to gain physical support for an advantage in playing the ball 
  10. Unsportsmanlike conduct will be ruled as an Automatic Technical Foul and can be given out by the site supervisor.
  11. NO DRINKING before and/or during the game (Drinking is only allowed after the completion of your own game)…Carry in’s are not allowed. Drinks have to be purchased at the Fieldhouse. Any player/team suspected of drinking before and during the game or carrying in their drinks may be removed from the league.
  12. If a person accumulates two technical fouls throughout the season, they are automatically out of the game plus the next two scheduled games, which may or may not be in the same league. If an individual accumulates 3 technical fouls while playing in the competitive or rec league, he/she would then be suspended for one year in all leagues associated with the Reedsburg Fieldhouse.
  13. Any player who physically attacks or attempts to strike an official or player will automatically be barred from further play in this league or any other league run by the Reedsburg Fieldhouse. The Reedsburg Fieldhouse has the right to make decisions it deems necessary to keep the integrity of the program.
  14. Site supervisors/officials have a wide latitude of authority on matters, which get out of hand or actions that are deemed inappropriate for adult recreation play. Supervisors/officials at any time may eject individuals from the premises. This ejection will mean an automatic two-game suspension.
  1. Alternating Jump Ball
  2. Five personal fouls limit/player out for the remainder of the game on the fifth foul. If a player receives 5 fouls and the team has no subs the opposing team is rewarded 2 points and the player can remain in the game. If the team has subs, the player has to be removed for the remainder of the game.
  3. BONUS will be in effect on the 7th team foul (per half). The double bonus is in effect on the 10th foul.
  4. TECHNICAL FOULS (Unsportsmanlike): The opposing team will be awarded 2 points (no foul shots) plus receive the ball out.
  5. INTENTIONAL FOULS: The opposing team will be awarded 2 points (no foul shots) and receive the ball. All calls are in the judgment of the officials. In most cases, defensive players considered “playing the ball” would not be called for an intentional foul. Pushing, grabbing, holding, or tackling would be considered intentional (if flagrant, also a technical foul).
  7. Game time will begin immediately after the 4-minute warm-up
  8. Two 20-minute halves (regulation game) running clock: Exception: The clock will stop on all whistles during the final two minutes of the SECOND HALF ONLY. (No clock stoppage in the first half unless a timeout is called)
  1. MERCY RULE: If a team is winning by 20 points in the final two minutes of the second half the clock will continue to run. Except for time-outs! 
  2. MAXIMUM: 3 minute half time. 
  3. OVERTIME: 2-minute periods until a winner can be declared. The clock will stop on all dead balls in under one minute. 
  4. TIME OUTS: 2 PER HALF (UNUSED 1ST HALF TIME OUTS WILL NOT CARRY OVER TO 2ND HALF). One time out allowed for each overtime period. Time outs not utilized during regulation game time will not “carry over” into overtime play.
  5. SUBSTITUTES: Substitutes may only enter after checking in with the scorekeeper and the horn has been sounded
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Point Allowed
  3. Points Scored
  4. Point Differential
  5. Coin flip
  1. Every team will make playoffs.
  2. Single elimination format.
  3. Byes will be determined by best record and how many teams are in the league. 
  4. The winning team will receive Justagame championship tournament t-shirts.
Competitive Recreational

Agree to the Terms

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